In 2011 I was honored to participate on a Q&A panel at a pastors conference in Mount Hermon, Northern California. My pastor Chuck Smith, a good friend David Guzik, and myself fielded questions through the moderator, John Snoderly. Recently, I listened to the Q&A ten years later, and it struck me that the questions are […]
Women and Church Leadership
This week, Saddleback Church announced the appointment of three female pastors. This was applauded by many evangelicals. Yet I believe this breaks the heart of the God who made us male and female. Both genders and the roles assigned to each are designed by God to teach spiritual truths. The Bible says that Christian men […]
How We Role
1 TIMOTHY 3:1 his is a faithful saying: If a man desires the position of a bishop, he desires a good work. Church leaders go by different titles: reverend, parson, priest, padre, cleric, vicar… to name a few. The NT has more fitting titles: shepherd, servant, slave, steward, fellow-soldier, laborer, elder, brother… Here in 1 Timothy 3:1 Paul suggests two titles for church leaders… […]